
Thursday, December 8, 2011

What am I?

Today we wrote what am I's? We had to choose an animal and give clues about it so the person reading can guess what animal it is. We drew a picture for the answer. We put some paper over the picture so it can be lifted up to see the answer. You can come and see them in our class or look at them on our blog.

How about you try making a What Am I?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Designing our Super Birds

Today we designed our super birds on kidpix. Some people worked in buddies and some worked individually. First we did the black outline and then we added colour. We need to giver our super bird a name. Watch this space to see our finished super birds.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Making a Christmas Tree

Today we started to make a Christmas tree out of our hands. We put newspaper on the tables so we didn't get paint everywhere. We painted our hands and put our hands on a piece of paper. We are waiting for the prints to dry then we will cut them out. It was cool making a Christmas tree. We will need to make decorations to put on our tree. We'll show you a picture when our tree is finished.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Writing Captions

Today at writing time we were learning how to write a caption. A caption is a sentence explaining what is happening in the picture. We wrote captions for pictures of birds and animals from Mount Bruce.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Super Birds

Today we started to plan our super birds. A super bird is when you get to make lots of birds into one bird. You choose the best part of each bird to make one amazing bird. There lots of cool birds that we have planned. They all look very different.

Athletics Day

On Monday it was really exciting because we went to the Massey Track for athletics. Ebony set it up so we could do our athletics. We went on a bus to get there and back.

Keep watching our blog for some photos.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Reagan's maths problem

I used a 10s frame to work out an addition problem. Reagan.